Whether you’re into the whole clean eating trend or trying to lose weight, it never hurts to learn how to snack smarter. We all know that finding healthy snack options at the grocery store or at the local cafe is no easy task as they usually contain preservatives and are loaded with calories. Having a healthy snack recipe helps when this happens

The twice-baked Japanese sweet potatoes have been loved by the Japanese people dating all the way back to the Edo period. It’s sweet, packed with fiber and low in calories. (around 113 calories per serving) I mean honestly what more can you ask for a tasty snack!? Today we’re sharing a simple recipe so you can recreate this yummy snack at home.


・3 Sweet potatoes
・3 Egg yolks
・90ml Heavy cream
・75g Sugar
・30g Butter
・A little bit of vanilla essence (A nice flair to the sweet potatoes)
・1 Egg yolk (for glazing)


1. Preheat the oven to around 350°F. (180℃)
While you’re heating up the oven, wash the sweet potatoes and neatly wrap them up in aluminum foil.

2. Place the sweet potatoes on a tray and put it in the oven. Heat it up for around 40 – 50 minutes. Once you make sure that the sweet potatoes are soft enough, take them out of the oven.

3. Take the aluminum foil off while the potatoes are still hot. Carefully curve out the inside of the potatoes and start smashing them inside a bowl.

4. While the sweet potatoes are still hot add the butter and sugar. Mix them together using a beater. Note that you can use maple syrup or brown sugar as a substitute for the sugar. If the sweet potatoes have already cooled down, place them in a pan and heat it up, then add the sugar and butter.

5. Add the egg yolk, heavy cream and vanilla essence .(depending on your taste) Gently mix them together until it becomes smooth.

6. Put the batter in aluminum foil cups or aluminum muffin molds and glaze the other egg yolk on the surface. Place them in the oven and cook for around 10 min in 350°F.(180℃) Check the oven frequently to make sure it’s not burnt and adjust cooking time accordingly.

* If you want to spice things up, feel free to add walnuts or maple syrup to this recipe.


Pop a couple of these in a Ziploc bag and carry it around.This way you won’t have to worry about buying that calorie packed muffin before your afternoon meeting.

Top Image @Chikako Nobuhara